
Long time no make pasta!

Aloha, guys! I've done with final paper and the test already so now feel so good!

This is my lunch,  the pasta with hot tomato sauce, including red bell peppers, yellow bell peppers, beef(little bit expensive one to treat myself lol), and onions!

My mom used to make this for me when I was little, but I hadn't had it in forever. So I asked mom its recipe and tried to make it for myself!  I think I did a good job, and I'll definitely try even after going back to Hawaii :) The one beside the pasta are pickles that I made a few days ago. I got veggies from my grandpa's garden, and they were so tasty. I wish I can have my garden and grow veggies even in Hawaii....

Anyway, the class is now over, and thank you guys for studying together through the semester!

much aloha,


Love fruits!


 Again, I had been sick recently and couldn't anything with my blog so I'm now scrambling to write new posts......

Anyway, every time I get sick, I always have lots of fruit to get over soon.

orange, peach, and kiwi! my favorite three!

What is best food to eat when we are sick? I googled and found that chicken noodle soap(my favorite) actually can help soothe a cold. According to the websites, "the chicken includes an amino acid called cysteine, which helps thin mucus in the lungs, and the hot broth helps to keep nasal passages moist, prevent dehydration, and fight inflammation in the throat. Plus, chicken soup( or vegetable broth) may also help the body kick a cold by stopping congestion and inflammation in their tracks".

Fruits are of course good when we feel sick, especially citrus fruits. The large amount of vitamin C in citrus can't always heal the common cold, but it can help reduce the length of cold.

Ummm I see. I'll try other best food for sick when I catch a cold next time!

Anyway, much aloha!



Aloha guys, what did you eat for breakfast today? This is what I made as breakfast, looks good???

I guess your mother might've told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day..... I agree with your mom!

I actually have thought that skipping breakfast was the good way of losing my weight and tried that so many times, but it turned to be more likely to be overweight. This is because I made up for the missed calories in the morning eating a lot as lunch or snack in that day. Lol

Anyway, I love breakfast the most and I can be off to a good start if I have a great breakfast!

much Aloha,



Love making sweets!

Everyday I realize that food is really important for me, and my life. Yes, I am a huge food lover ;)
As you already know, I love cooking to satisfy myself and make others happy, and I believe that food is essential to make our lives colorful.

Yesterday was my best friend's birthday, so I made what she loves as a birthday present!

                                              strawberry tart that I made from scratch! photoshopped a bit lol

I make this every year as a birthday gift to tell her that I love her same as before, and I am glad that she really loves it. I swear I'll celebrate her birthday next year, the year after, and forever more with the same one!

much mahalo for reading!


the best restaurant for vegetarian in Hawaii!

Hi guys, how's it going?  I've been here in Japan for two months and half already, and now I miss everything in my paradise, Hawaii so much!

So, I would like to introduce one of my favorite restaurants in Hawaii on this post, and it's called "Green and Vines" located on Kapiolani Blvd. Green and Vines is a gourmet vegan restaurant, their all dishes are not made with vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. They are totally gluten-free, and mostly locally grown organic, and don't even use seafood, meats, dairy, any kinds of animal products!

When I went there last time, I got these two! ( I am not a vegetarian but their food is delicious for non vegetarian too:))

raw Lasagna - this one's got the veggie pastes inside and absolutely delicious! It didn't even make me miss meats or something of animal products! I'm not sure how much it was but around $20 I guess. I remember it was not so cheap but worth a pay!

ice cream- this one was not made with any animal products either, but it was definitely  "ice cream"! so yummy! 

If you are interested in, go check what they have! greensandvines.com


my favorite on earth!

Hi guys! It's currently midnight, and making post about food make me so hungry...haha

Anyway, what I'd like to share with you on this post is my favorite, beef tongue stake! I'm not sure if beef tongue is popular in the US or not, but many Japanese really love it!

I went have this yesterday, and it was absolutely good! Some of you might guess that the beef tongue stake would be so tough but it's really not!
As you can see, it looks thick but were so tender delicious.... oh my god I miss it already... so addictive! It was $15 for lunch so not really expensive, right? My home city, Sendai has lots of places to eat the beef tongue stakes so if you get the chance to come here, try it for sure!